Poster Requirements
Poster designs should contain:
- The name of the symposium: Black Houston(s): Research, Policy & Activism–Past & Future(s) and/or our official logo (forthcoming)
- The symposium dates: March 23 & 24, 2023
- A small credit line with the submitter’s name and institutional affiliation is allowed.
Poster Size
Poster size should measure 36" x 36"
Any mixed media suitable for reproduction as a poster is allowed, including computer-generated graphics. Posters must be two-dimensional. All posters must be original art. No trademarked or copyrighted images or phrases should be used, with the exception of the conference logo, if applicable.
Submission Format
Digital designs should be submitted as a 300 dpi JPG or PDF. If submitting a traditional painting or drawing, it should be scanned and sent as a 300 dpi JPG or PDF.
Please visit the Rice Digital Scholarship FAQ page for information about submission policies.The determination of eligibility of entries and any interpretation of these rules is at the sole discretion of the Black Houston(s) Symposium planning committee and shall be final and binding upon all entrants. By participating, the entrant agrees to abide by and be bound by these rules.
Download Our Logo
If you’d like to incorporate the official Black Houston(s) Symposium logo into your poster design, click the link below to download the high-resolution files.
Download Logos (.zip)
Lightning Talk Requirements (optional)
Recorded lightning talk presentations will be a maximum of 5 minutes. Presenters may use slides or other supplemental materials during their talk if desired. Please record your presentation and submit it to no later than March 10, 2023. Please include the title of your talk, your name, and institutional affiliation as you would like it to appear in conference materials in your email submission.